Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lake Effect interview with Bonnie North

Yesterday I was fortunate to have the opportunity to interview with Bonnie North, Producer of the Lake Effect Program on WUWM-HD 89.7 Milwaukee Public Radio. I arrived right at 9am for my 9 o'clock appointment. I thought I would arrive ten minutes early but the traffic was worse than I thought it would be so close to 9am in the morning. It could have been compounded by the light snow that had been falling most of the morning.

What a professional and kind person Bonnie is. I was extremely nervous not knowing what we would cover in our conversation and not being a big fan of public speaking anyway, she quickly put me at ease. She reminded me that it's nothing more than a conversation among two people and that since it wasn't live we could stop and start at anytime and she could edit in post production.

Lake Effect is a wonderful radio program that consistently covers a wide range of interesting topics from politics to art every weekday from 10am - 11am and reruns at 11pm - 12am. Tune in next week Thursday February 11 when my twelve minute segment with Bonnie airs on Lake Effect. If you are not near a radio but are at your computer you can hear it stream live. Just click on the button on the WUWM 89.7 website. If you are busy working at that time and can't listen (like myself) you can tune in later that evening or wait till it is put into their archives of past shows.

Thanks Bonnie for your interest in my Book Passages series and what turned out to be a fun and memorable half hour.


Frieda Babbley said...

I can't wait to hear it!!! Yay! How totally cool. I WILL NOT MISS THIS!!!

William Zuback said...

Thanks Frieda. You will probably hear it before I do since I'll be at work during the broadcast.